1 February 2003

finfish nutrition course

solving the problem of "egg sticking" in the production of tench (tinca tinca l.)

halibut farming development

improved culture of the eurasian perch perca fluviatilis - 1. control of reproduction and its shift to off-season periods

improved culture of the eurasian perch perca fluviatilis - 2. improvement of larval production in recirculating systems

influence of all-trans retinoic acid on pigmentation and skeletal formation in larval japanese flounder 

effect of water hardness on egg hatchability and larval viability of clarias gariepinus

experimental broodstock diets as partial fresh food substitutes in white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei b.

utilization of torula yeast (candida utilis) as a protein source in diets for tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus peters) fry

bioactive roles of carotenoids and retinoids in crustaceans

management strategies associating batch-graded and size-graded postlarvae can reduce heterogeneous individual growth in macrobrachium rosenbergii (de man)

maturation and spawning performance of pond-reared penaeus merguiensis in different combinations of temperature, light intensity and photoperiod

a test of two methods for marking larvae and postlarvae of the giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii

insulin and hepatic cholestasis during the early post-embryonic development of gilt-head sea bream, sparus aurata

ontogenic changes in the contents of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in larvae and postlarvae of the bivalve pecten maximus

experimental vertical transmission of nodavirus from broodfish to eggs and larvae of the sea bass, dicentrarchus labrax (L.)

effect of fish density and number of infectious fish on the survival of rainbow trout fry, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), during epidemics of infectious pancreatic necrosis

has artemia parthenogenetica been introduced into western australia through human agency?

water flea moina macrocopa as a novel biocarrier of norfloxacin in aquaculture

protein turnover, amino acid profile and amino acid flux in juvenile shrimp litopenaeus vannamei: effects of dietary protein source
