The influence of turbidity on growth and survival of fish larvae: a numerical analysis

Ø. Fiksen, D.L. Aksnes, M.H. Flyum, J. Giske-2002

Hydrobiologia, 484(1-3): 49-59


Growth and survival through the early larval phase probably limit the production potential of many commercially important fish stocks. Attempts to increase the production of these stocks by restocking of juveniles have generally failed. Here, we analyse how enhanced concentrations of phytoplankton and zooplankton affect the survival of fish larvae during their early life stages. The analysis is developed for larvae feeding on copepod eggs and nauplii, with fish and invertebrates as major predators. A model of feeding and growth of fish larvae is applied to assess the benefit of enhanced phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance. The analysis shows that the shading effect of higher phytoplankton concentration may reduce predation rates on fish larvae substantially. This `top-down' effect may be more important for the cohort survivorship than the `bottom-up' mechanism in situations when larval food is sufficiently abundant. However, while increased algal biomass will improve recruitment at high zooplankton concentration, it may also reduce recruitment at low zooplankton concentrations and shallow mixing depths. Both the larvae and their vertebrate predators are dependent on light to detect their prey, and the longer reactive distance of the predators make them more susceptible than the larvae to reduced light levels and increased turbidity. We discuss the implications of reduced predation and increased zooplankton abundance on recruitment and production of fish larvae, and point at environmental conditions where changing algal biomass is likely to affect recruitment success.

(Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen, Norway E-mail:
