Effect of temperature on the scope for growth in juvenile scallops Argopecten purpuratus (Lamark, 1819)

M.L. González, D.A. López, M.C. Pérez, J.M. Castro-2002

Aquaculture International, 10(4): 339-348


The effect of temperature on scope for growth was determined in juveniles of the northern scallop Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819). This economically important species, has been introduced into the south of Chile given that large-scale cultivation within the natural distribution zone is limited. Nevertheless, the lower water temperatures that exist in the south could restrict the growth rate. No difference in the scope for growth was detected in specimens kept at 10 ± 1 °C and 18 ± 1 °C and fed with a mixed diet 1:1 of Chaetoceros gracilis and Tetraselmis suecica. Temperature did not affect the quantity of energy derived from food ingested, but energy loss through respiration, faeces and excretion was greater at 10 ± 1 °C than at 18 ± 1 °C. The results indicate that the growth rates of A. purpuratus are maintained between 10 ± 1 °C and 18 ± 1 °C, which would favour large-scale cultivation over a wide latitudinal range.

(Universidad de Los Lagos, Laboratorio de Cultivos Marinos, Casilla 933, Osorno, Chile, e-mail: malugon@ulagos.cl)
