larvi 2024
8th Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium
September 9-12, 2024
Ostend, Belgium


The conference facilities cannot accommodate more than 400 participants. People interested in attending larvi 2024 are therefore requested to fill in the online registration form on larvi 2024 website as soon as possible.
Only registrations accompanied by a full pre payment will be handled on a first come ¬first served basis. On site registrations will not be accepted. Registration fees in euro:

prior to
May 31, 2024
prior to
August 1, 2024
later then
August 1, 2024
Private company 445 550 800
Academic 295 370 800
Student 210 320 800
Accompanying person
(opening reception, banquet & guided tour)
180 220 300

The registration fee includes admission to all symposium sessions, reception, coffee breaks and receipt of a symposium satchel, programme brochure and a digital version of the book of short communications.

Our institution recently obliged us to process registrations and meals separately. For this reason we also have to process the larvi banquet as a separate cost. The banquet will take place on Thursday evening (September 12) in the Venetian galleries of Ostend. The price for the banquet is €98.00. If you would like to participate in the banquet, you must check this as a separate item on the registration form


Payment of the registration fees should be in euro. Payment can be done online with credit cards, using a secure site, or with a bank transfer.

Please note that all banking expenses are to be charged to the participant.