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1.2 Disinfection of the Biofilter

1.2.1 Choice of the disinfectant

In the previous exercise the biofilter has been filled with gravel and we assumed that all material was clean. In our hatchery operation however, we will seldom start with new material and we will have to clean our material every time we start a new culture. For this we need to wash the tank and rinse the stones in order to start with material that contains no organic material. Only when this is performed, attention should be paid to disinfection. This step is essential since remaining bacteria might be pathogenic to our future rotifer culture. In the next exercise the succesive steps for disinfecting the biofilter will be illustrated. 

A large range of products with disinfecting properties is available on the market going from simple and cheap disinfectants to products that can be used for specific applications. It is obvious that for this simple disinfection we will use cheap products that can be found in every drugstore. 


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