1 August 2003

new book: aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology

penaeus vannamei larval stages nutritional needs

trigger for fish eggs hatching

stress test to assess shrimp postlarval quality

broodstock rearing and spawning of Black sea turbot, psetta maxima

rearing of larvae and juveniles of black sea turbot, psetta maxima, in turkey

problems and achievements in seed production of the black sea turbot in russia

rainbow trout broodstock management and seed production in turkey: present practices, constraints and the future

a practical approach to rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) seed production 

sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax l., 1781) seed production

sea bream (spraus aurata l., 1758) fry production in turkey

temperature and developmental plasticity during embryogenesis in the atlantic cod gadus morhua l.

disinfection efficacy on cyst viability of artemia franciscana (crustacea), hexarthra fennica (rotifera) and fabrea salina (ciliophora)

a practical broodstock diet for the mangrove red snapper, lutjanus argentimaculatus

qualitative needs of lipids by mullet, mugil cephalus, fry during freshwater acclimation

effect of dietary essential fatty acids on growth, body composition and blood chemistry of juvenile starry flounder (platichthys stellatus)

a preliminary study on the molecular weight profile of soluble protein nitrogen in live food organisms for fish larvae

evaluation of microdiets versus live feeds on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of larval haddock (melanogrammus aeglefinus)

microparticulate diets as first food for gilthead sea bream larva (sparus aurata): study of fatty acid incorporation
