Poster proceedings of LARVI’01, fish and shellfish larviculture symposium, September 4-7, 2001, Ghent University, Belgium

Reproductive performance and offspring quality in mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) broodstock fed different diets

morphoecology in larval fin-fish: a new candidate species for aquaculture, diplodus puntazzo (sparidae)

lipid and amino acid metabolism during early development of atlantic halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus)

survival and growth of instar 1 phyllosoma of the western rock lobster, panulirus cygnus, starved before or after periods of feeding

assessment of the performance of pacific oyster (crassostrea gigas) larvae fed with fresh and preserved pavlova lutheri concentrates

dietary essentiality of ascorbic acid in rohu larvae: quantification with ascorbic acid enriched zooplankton

elimination of the associated microbial community and bioencapsulation of bacteria in the rotifer brachionus plicatilis

the effect of different hufa enrichment emulsions on the nutritional value of rotifers (brachionus plicatilis) fed to larval haddock (melanogrammus aeglefinus)

effects of diet transition regimen on survival, growth and lipid composition of intensively reared atlantic cod, gadus morhua, larvae

arachidonic acid requirements in larval summer flounder, paralichthys dentatus

enrichment of artemia nauplii in pufa, phospholipids, and water-soluble nutrients using liposomes

artemia prey size and mode of presentation: effects on the survival and growth of phyllosoma larvae of southern rock lobster (jasus edwardsii)

weaning of bullseye puffer (sphoeroides annulatus) from live food to microparticulate diets made with decapsulated cysts of artemia and fishmeal

comparative study of antioxidant defence mechanisms in marine fish fed variable levels of oxidised oil and vitamin E

feed preferences in juvenile cod estimated by inert lanthanid markers - effects of moisture content in the feed
