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1.2 Disinfection of the Biofilter

1.2.2 Detection and Quantification of Sodium Hypochlorite Titration of Hypochlorite

Liquid NaOCl is subjected to a gradual decrease in concentration when it is stored for a long period. Also light and high temperature have a negative impact on the activity of the product. So it is advisable to check on regular basis the activity of the product by titration. The titration of OCl- is based on a neutralization reaction. Basically this means that the strong oxydans will be neutralized by a reductans in the presence of a colour indicator. In fact the same will happen as for the colour reaction; when all the chlorine has been neutralized by the reductant the colour will change. By measuring the amount of reductant that is needed to neutralize the chlorine we can calculate the initial concentration of chlorine.


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