larvi 2009
5th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium
ghent university, belgium
7 - 10 september 2009

general info
group picture
best poster award

FineFish Final Workshop - “Improving sustainability of European Aquaculture by control of malformations”


FineFish is a EU SMEs-Collective research project funded under FP6 aiming at improving sustainability of European aquaculture by control of malformations. The project aims to generate new practical knowledge on how to reduce the incidence of malformations in the major fish species used in European aquaculture production and to apply this to the professional sector.
The final workshop will combine information developed within FineFish and other RTD projects with the different experiences and observations from professional hatcheries, providing a summary of relevant knowledge gained on the root cause of malformations incidence.

When & where

The FineFish final workshop is organised back-to-back with LARVI on Monday, September 7, 2009 at the same venue.


Presentations Speakers/Presenters Affiliation
09:00 Welcome and introduction to the FineFish project Courtney Hough FEAP
Malformations in the Mediterranean and in cold water productions
09:30 Classification and diagnostics of malformations Giorgos Koumoundouros University of Patras, Greece
Presentation of classification manuals  
Introduction to diagnostic procedures Kirsti Hjelde Nofima Marin, Norway
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 Salmon deformities Grete Baeverfjord Nofima Marin, Norway
Temperatures, water quality and nutrition as causative factors, what's new?
Presentation of a "Best management practice" (BMP) manual
11:00 Rainbow trout deformities
The impact of nutritional components on development of malformations in rainbow trout Stephanie Fontagne INRA, France
Egg incubation temperatures are a critical factor Ingrid Lein Nofima Marin, Norway
Towards a BMP for rainbow trout
11:45 Malformations: Mechanisms of development
Salmon: Altered gene expression in susceptible fish Elisabeth Ytteborg Nofima Marin, Norway
Title to be announced Deborah Power CCMAR, Portugal
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Malformations in bass and bream Giorgos Koumoundouros University of Patras,
Titles to be announced Greece
Input for a BMP for sea bass and sea bream
15:00 Progress in prevention of malformations in cod Synnøve Helland Nofima Marin, Norway
Temperature recommendations.
Lessons learned from sea bass on tank hydrodynamics
  Presentation of BMP    
15:30 What can we learn from production data? Francesca Margiotta FEAP
FineFish development of a tool for data mining and benchmarking
16:00 Summary and closure


Interested people can register by returning the completed registration form to the organizers before Friday, August 28, 2009. The registration fee is 35 EUR and includes access to the workshop, coffeebreaks and lunch.


For further information, please contact the FEAP Secretariat: