SESSION I. Maturation
and spawning
Subsession 1. Effect of broodstock diet on
offspring quality
E. Henrotte, V. Kaspar, M. Rodina, M. Psenicka, O.
Linhart, and P. Kestemont
Effects of dietary n-3/n-6 ratio on the biochemical
composition of Perca fluviatilis semen and
indicators of sperm quality
I. Lein, G.M. Berge, and T. Åsgård
Importance of broodstock diet composition on the spawning
result in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)
N. Nogueira, N. Cordeiro, M. Ferreira, J. Pereira,
and J. Figueira
Changes in lipid class and fatty acid composition
in striped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex) eggs
J. Sawanboonchun, W.J. Roy, D.A. Robertson, and J.G.
The impact of dietary supplementation with arachidonic
acid on egg quality in Atlantic cod broodstock (Gadus
morhua, L.)
A. Mendes, P. Pousão-Ferreira, L. Narciso,
N.M. Bandarra, J. Coutinho, and L. Cancela da Fonseca
Influence of the parental diets on the fatty acid
dynamics during the ontogenic development of Palaemonetes
varians (Decapoda, Crustacea)
Nguyen Duy Hoa, Roeland Wouters, Mathieu Wille, Vu
Thanh, Tran Kim Dong, Nguyen Van Hao, and Patrick Sorgeloos
Spawning performance and offspring quality of domesticated
black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon fed a semi-moist
maturation pellet
Ana Farías ., Iker Uriarte, Juan Carlos Navarro,
Jorge Hernandez, Vania Cerna, and Soledad Pino
Effect of the broodstock diets upon the fecundity
and the quality of eggs of Enteroctopus megalocyathus
R. González-Araya, C. Mingant, C. Quéré,
I. Quéau, L. Le Brun, and R. Robert
An ecophysiological and biochemical approach to selecting
the ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) broodstock
Iker Uriarte, Ana Farías, Richard Miranda,
Vania Cerna, Soledad Pino, Viviana Espinoza, Leslie
Morelli, and Jessica Dörner
Diet relevance during reproductive conditioning on
the quality of the progeny of the Chilean scallop Argopecten
Subsession 2. Zootechnical and hormonal aspects
of maturation and spawning
B. Blanco-Vives and F.J. Sánchez-Vázquez
Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and spawning
in zebrafish (Danio rerio L.)
A. Estévez, E. Gisbert, I. Carazo, F. Norambuena,
R. Valles, and N.J. Duncan
Egg quality and bio-chemical composition from meagre
broodstock (Argyrosomus regius)
F. Teletchea and P. Fontaine
Comparison of early-life stage strategies in 65 European
freshwater fish species
V. Vera, J. Flores, G. Alvarez, C. Espinoza, and R.
Broodstock management and induced spawning of Peruvian
anchovy (Engraulis ringens) under a closed
recirculation system
SESSION II. Developmental biology
Subsession 1. Development of the digestive
A.B. Abol-Munafi, Mai Viet Van, and A.W. Effendy
Histochemical development of digestive enzymes in
marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) larvae
Catalina Fernández-Díaz , Isacio Siguero
, and José Pedro Cañavate
Influence of switching rotifer with Artemia on
digestive enzyme activity of Pagrus auriga larvae
E. Gisbert, C.A. Alvarez-González, L. Treviño,
N. Perales-García, L. Arévalo-Galán,
A. Uscanga-Martínez, G. Márquez-Couturier,
L. Arias-Rodriguez, J.R. Indy, and I. Fernández
Digestive physiology of bay snook Petenia splendida larvae:
a synthesis between light microscopy and digestive enzyme
activity studies
L.D. Jimenez-Martinez, C.A. Alvarez-González,
G. Gaxiola, A. Sánchez-Zamora, G. Márquez-Couturier,
L. Arias-Rodríguez, W.M. Contreras-Sánchez,
J.R. Indy, D. Tovar-Ramírez, E. Gisbert , F.J.
Moyano-López, and F.J. Alarcón
Development of digestive enzymes in common snook Centropomus
L. Guzmán-Villanueva, D. Tovar-Ramírez,
E. Gisbert, K.B. Andree, R. Civera-Cerecedo, J.L. Ortíz-Galindo,
C.A. Alvarez-González, and P. Hinojosa-Baltazar
Dietary polyamine producing yeast induces digestive
activity and growth performance in Paralabrax maculatofasciatus larvae
Ó. Monroig, J. Rotllant, E. Sánchez,
J.M. Cerdá-Reverter, and D.R. Tocher
Expression of LC-PUFA synthesis enzymes during zebrafish
early embryonic development
I. Moguel-Hernández, R. Peña, S. Dumas,
H. Nolasco-Soria, and M. Contreras-Olguín
Development of digestive enzymatic activity in the
Pacific red snapper, Lutjanus peru
Laura Ribeiro, François Hubbert, Carlos Rojas-García,
Ivar Rønnestad, Sofia Engrola, Maria Teresa Dinis,
and Deborah Power
Co-feeding in Senegalese sole at mouth opening: consequences
on digestive physiology
I. Rønnestad, R.B. Edvardsen, S. Applebaum,
S. Garg, C. Jolly, Y. Kamisaka, T. van der Meeren, and
A.-E.O. Jordal
Genetic response to dietary manipulations during transfer
to exogenous feeding in Atlantic cod larvae
M.I. Sánchez-Amaya, M. Yúfera, and G.
Expression of digestive enzyme precursors under different
feeding conditions in Sparus aurata larvae
Svend Steenfeldt and Ivar Lund
Influence of hatching time on time of first feeding
and subsequent growth and cannibalism in pikeperch (Sander
Subsession 2. Development of the neural, muscular
and skeletal systems
T. Benítez-Santana, M.B. Betancor, M.J. Caballero,
E. Atalah, J. Roo, C.M. Hernández-Cruz, D. Montero,
and M.S. Izquierdo
Use of calretinin (CR) and parvabumin (PV) as Mauthner
cell markers in sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Mari Moren, Øystein Sæle, Andreas Nordgreen,
Kjersti E.T. Busch, and Alex M. Schreiber
Ontogeny of craniofacial structures in Atlantic cod
(Gadus morhua), presence or absence of Osterix,
a protein required for osteoblast maturation which is
regulated by PGE 2
K.A. Moutou, M. Godina, S. Georgiou, J. Gutiérrez,
and Z. Mamuris
Myosin light chain 2 in gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata): a molecular marker of muscle development
and growth
S. Nikolakakis, D. Adriaens, and P. Bossier
Quantitative shape analysis of fixative induced deformations
in early larval sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
Y. Sawada, K. Higuchi, A. Tanioka, Y. Mitsuyoshi,
M. Seoka, T. Honryo, Y. Ishibashi, and Yasuo Agawa
Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on the embryonic
development of red sea bream, Pagrus major
Subsession 3. Gen expression, effect of abiotic
rearing conditions, methodological issues
Young-Mao Chen, Ting-Yu Wang, Ching-Yu Lin, Yi-Ling
Huang, Wan-Erh Chen, Wei-Chen Wang, Pei-Shiuan Shie,
John Han-You Lin, Huey-Lang Yang , and Tzong-Yueh Chen
Characterization of gene expression in orange-spotted
grouper larva metamorphosis
A. Davie, J.A. Sanchez, L.M. Vera, J. Sanchez-Vazquez,
and H. Migaud
Ontogeny of clock mechanisms in rainbow trout (Onchorhynkiss
mykiss) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
during early developmental stages
I. Georga, S. Christodoulopoulou, E. Georgakopoulou,
and G. Koumoundouros
Thermally induced plasticity of body shape in adult
zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822)
E. Holen and K.H. Skjærven
Culturing of embryonic stem cells isolated from blastula
stage eggs of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua
F.H. Li and J.H. Xiang
Metamorphosis and survival of triploid shrimp larvae
and its potential relations to the expression of amp
and stress related protein genes
A . Miyashima, T . Kotani, H . Taw a , and H . Fushimi
Relationship among oxygen consumption, growth, and
survival of larval fishes
D. Pham, N. Wabete, P. Lemaire, J.R. Mailliez, F.
Broutoi, and L. Chim.
Could antioxidant status and oxidative stress bio-indicators
be used to assess shrimp offspring quality?
K.H. Skjærven, P.A. Olsvik, N.R. Finn, E. Holen,
and K. Hamre
Ontogenetic expression of nanog and hsp70 in Atlantic
cod eggs under ambient and thermally stressed conditions
Trond R. Størseth, Kari Attramadal, Gunvor Øie,
Kjell Inge Reitan, Trina F. Galloway, and Yngvar Olsen
Application of H-NMR metabolomics to study cod larvae
(Gadus morhua L)
Session III. Nutritional studies
Subsession 1. Lipids
A.M. Abedian Kenari, E. Sotodeh, and M. Habibi Rezaei
Effect of dietary phosphatidylcholine on growth, survival,
and digestive enzyme activity of Caspian brown trout
(Salmo trutta caspius) alevin
E. Atalah, C.M. Hernández Cruz, E. Ganuza,
T. Benítez-Santana, R. Ganga, O. Vega-Orellana,
J. Roo, H. Fernández-Palacios, and M.S. Izquierdo
Importance of relative levels of dietary ARA and EPA
for culture performance of gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata ) larvae
S. Fontagné-Dicharry, E. Lataillade, and A.
Changes in antioxidant defences of rainbow trout fry
fed oxidised lipid during early development
Neïla Hamza, Frédéric Silvestre,
Chantal Cahu, Mohamed Mhetli, Ben Khemis Ines, Marc
Dieu, Martine Raes, and Patrick Kestemont
Dietary phospholipid effects on hepatic metabolism
in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae
S. Morais, D. Alves Martins, F. Castanheira, A. Mendes,
J. Coutinho, N.M. Bandarra, P. Pousão-Ferreira,
and L.E.C. Conceição
A new method for the study of essential fatty acid
requirements in fish larvae
P. Pousão-Ferreira, M. Saavedra, J. Coutinho,
and N.M. Bandarra
Fatty acid composition of early stages of Diplodus
sargus (L., 1758) and diets
E. Viciano, J. Iglesias, M.J. Lago, F.J. Sánchez,
J.J. Otero, and J.C. Navarro
Lipids and fatty acids of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae
reared with enriched on-grown Artemia
V. Vizcaino, B. Baron-Sevilla, M. Drawbridge, and
J.P. Lazo
The effect of DHA levels on growth, survival, weaning,
and pigmentation of California halibut (Paralichthy
californicus) larvae
Subsession 2. Proteins, amino acids, vitamins,
oligo-elements, ratios & interactions of different
Rina Chakrabarti and Shyam Narayan Labh
Effects of vitamin C (L-ascorbate 2-triphosphate calcium)
on the growth, biochemical composition, and tissue ultrastructure
of hybrid carp
M. Jaroszewska, B.J. Lee, K. Dabrowski, S. Czesny,
and J. Rinchard
Effects of dietary vitamin B1 (thiamine) and magnesium
onsurvival, growth, and histological
indicators in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
M. Hafezieh, Mohd. S. Kamarudin, Che Rose Bin Saad,
Mostafa Kamal Abd Sattar, T. Valinassab, N. Agh, and
H. Hosseinpour
Effects of fatty acid and vitamin C enrichment on
thenutritional value of Artemia
urmiana nauplii for Persian sturgeon (Acipenser
persicus) larviculture
F. Noori, G. Azari Takami, M. Van Speybroek, G. Van
Stappen, and P. Sorgeloos
Effect of enriched Huso huso and Acipenser
persicus larvae with HUFA and vitamin C on their
nutritional value
Wilson Pinto, Luís Figueira, Vera Rodrigues,
Maria Teresa Dinis, and Cláudia Aragão
The importance of aromatic amino acids during fish
Ana R.A. Ribeiro, Laura Ribeiro, Øystein Sæle,
Kristin Hamre, Maria T. Dinis, and Mari Moren
Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae
reared in recirculation systems develop goitre when
iodine is not added to their diets
M. Saavedra, P. Pousão-Ferreira, Y. Barr, S.
Helland, M. Yúfera, M.T. Dinis, and L.E.C. Conceição
Amino acids have important roles in larval development
other than growth
P. Seixas, M. Rey-Méndez,
L.M.P Valente, and A. Otero |
High dietary protein:lipid ratio improves growth of Octopus
vulgaris paralarvae
M. Tamtin, M. Wille, S. Luchai Chaiyakul, S. Thongrod,
and P. Sorgeloos
Effect of protein levels in diets on growth, survival
rate, and molting frequency of young swimming crab (Portunus
M. Yúfera, M. Alaiz, F.J. Moyano, P. Pousão-Ferreira,
M.M. Yust, F. Millán, and J.J. Pedroche
Amino acid profiles in Sparus aurata larvae
under different feeding conditions – Testing vegetable
protein sources in microdiets
Subsession 3. Live food studies
E. Bequé and G. Rombaut
Effective treatment of bacterial loads in rotifer
M.B. Betancor, T. Benítez-Santana, E. Atalah,
S. Nodrum, M.J. Caballero, J. Roo, and M.S. Izquierdo
Potential of three new krill products for sea bream
(Sparus aurata) larval production
G. Courtois de Vicose, A. Porta, M.P. Viera, A. Bilbao,
H. Fernández-Palacios, and M.S. Izquierdo
Potential value of Navicula incerta, Proschkinia sp., Nitzschia sp.,
and Amphora sp. as feed for Haliotis tuberculata
coccinea post-larvae: effect of inoculums density
on algal growth rates
T. De Wolf, P. Cecconi, and C. Nys
The culture of rotifers in a high-density flow-through
system using a complete dry culture diet
A. Estévez, J.I. Gairín, and E. Berger
Wild zooplankton for Octopus vulgaris larval
A. Herrera, M. Gómez, L. Molina, F. Otero,
and T. Packard
Advances in rearing techniques and analysis of nutritional
quality of two mysid species present in Gran Canaria
M. Hawkyard, C. Langdon, A. Nordgreen, and K. Hamre
Co-enrichment of Artemia with wax beads containing
potassium iodide and yttrium oxide added to a commercial
enrichment diet (Ori-green)
R. Tillner, B. Rennert, T. Assheuer, and C. van Ballegooy
Feeding of carp larvae (Cyprinus carpio)
with nematodes as an alternative for Artemia (Artemia
salina) and dry feed
Zaida Irais Vázquez Hernández, Luis
Héctor Hernández Hernández, Mario
Alfredo Fernández Araiza, Omar Angeles López,
and Teresa Ramírez Pérez
Effects of feeding Chlorella vulgaris cultured
on different concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous
on the population growth and proximate composition of
the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus
Ioannis Tzovenis and Yannis Cladas
Phytoplankton production in Greek mariculture
Subsession 4. Live food replacement, co-feeding,
N. Agh, F. Noori, A. Irani, and P. Sorgeloos
Combination of live food and commercial feed versus
live food in early feeding of Huso huso larvae
S. Engrola, M.T. Dinis, and L.E.C. Conceição
Senegalese sole is able to adapt protein metabolism
when co-fedwith Artemia replacement
H. Fernández-Palacios, C.M. Hernández-Cruz,
D. Schuchardt, M.S. Izquierdo, and F.J. Roo
Effect of co-feeding regimes on biological performance
and biochemical composition of meagre (Argyrosomus
regius Asso, 1801) larvae
Adelaide Rhodes
Rapid detection of zooplankton and microparticulate
uptake by larval marine finfish – improvements
on the method
M. Vandecan, A. Diallo, and C. Mélard
Effect of feeding regimes on growth and survival of Clarias
gariepinus larvae: replacement of Artemia by
artificial food and determination of a feeding model
SESSION IV. Skeletal Deformities
Ι. Georga, Ν. Glynatsi, D. Karamanos, A. Baltzois,
D. Mazurais, C.L. Cahu, J.L. Zambonino-Infante, and
G. Koumoundouros
Effect of vitamin A on the shape of European sea bass
Chin-Chiu Lin, John Han-You Lin, Hsueh-Ching Lu, Feng-Ju
Chao, and Huey-Lang Yang
Jaw deformities of cultured orange-spotted grouper
(Epinephelus coioides) larvae in response to
differently enriched Artemia franciscana
D. Mazurais, N. Glynatsi, S. Christodoulopoulou, E.
Georgakopoulou, D. Karamanos, M. J. Darias, C. L. Cahu,
J. L. Zambonino-Infante, and G. Koumoundouros
Effect of vitamin a on the osteological development
of European sea bass
E. Sandel, O. Nixon, S. Lutzky, B. Ginsberg, I. Geva,
A. Tandler, Z. Uni, and W. Koven
The effect of dietary phophatidylcholine/ phosphatidylinositol
ratio on malformation in larvae and juvenile gilthead
sea bream (Sparus aurata)
Susumu Uji and Tadahide Kurokawa
Development of visualization tools to identify for
muscle and nerve abnormalities in fish
T. van der Meeren, P.G. Fjelldal, and G. Nardi
Continuous light versus photoperiod: effects on eye
size and deformities in larval and juvenile cod
SESSION V. Larviculture of different species
Subsession 1. Effect of specific abiotic rearing
C. Aragão, R.A. Weber, B. Costas, M.T. Dinis,
and L.E.C. Conceição
Effects of ammonia exposure in Senegalese sole (Solea
senegalensis) larvae
N. Hattori, H. Negoro, S. Miyashita, Y. Agawa, and
Y. Sawada
Safe and effective masculinization method of tiger
puffer, Takifugu rubripes, by temperature control
during larval andjuvenile stage
S. Krejszeff, A. Mamcarz, D. Kucharczyk, R. Kujawa,
and K. Kupren
Comparative rearing of three larval labyrinth fishes
(Betta splendens, Colisa lalia, and Macropodus
opercularis) under controlled conditions
H. Migaud, A. Davie, S. Carboni, J. Murray, P.A. Lysaa,
and J. Treasurer
Effects of light on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
larvae performances: focus on spectrum
Subsession 2. Study of culture systems
M.E. Cunha, H. Quental Ferreira, A. Barradas, P. Pousão-Ferreira,
E. Cabrita, and S. Engrola
Growth and development of dusky grouper Epinephelus
marginatus larvae in mesocosm of semi-intensive
J.K. Jena, Gopa Mitra, Babita Patro, Dipti Mahanta,
Bibhudatta Mishra, and P. C. Das
Outdoor larval rearing of fringe-lipped carp, Labeo
fimbriatus (Bloch) with provision of different
S. Kolkovski, J. Curnow, J. King, and Y. Sakakura
Environmental factors and nutritional requirements
affecting Seriola sp. L arviculture
K. Kupren, D. Żarski, S. Krejszeff, D. Kucharczyk,
K. Targońska, and A. Mamcarz
The influence of stocking density on survival and
growth of dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) Larvae
reared under laboratory conditions
Ivar Lund
Influence of dietary arachidonic acid combined with
light intensity and tank background colour on pigmentation
ofcommon sole (Solea solea L.)
R.K. Luz, M.M. Pedreira, and J.C.E. dos Santos
Effect of feeding, salinity, and stocking density
on Lophiosilurus alexandri larviculture using
biological filters
Y. Nakagawa, W. Sakamoto, and S. Miyashita
Flow field control at night time enhances survival
of Thunnus orientalis larvae
B. Petton, C. Mingant, P. Le Souchu, and R. Robert
Determining hydrobiological larval rearing parameters
for Crassostrea gigas in small volume flow-through
M.M. Pedreira, J.C.E. dos Santos, and R.K. Luz
Effect of different biofilter media quantities on Lophiosilurus
alexandri larviculture
M.M. Rahman and P. Sorgeloos
Present status of Macrobrachium rosenbergii hatcheries
in Bangladesh
F.J. Roo, C.M. Hernández-Cruz, H. Fernández-Palacios,
D. Schuchardt, and M.S. Izquierdo
Effect of rearing system intensiveness on biological
features, culture performance, and larval quality of
meagre (Argyrosomus regius Asso, 1801) larvae
Y. Sakakura, A . Hagiwara , Y . Andou, K . Kadomura,
C . Tomioka, S . Yogo, and K . Miyaki
Effects of water flow, salinity gradient, and light
intensity on the larval performance of the devil stinger Inimicus
T. Tomoda, D. Arai, N. Tezuka, and K. Hotta
Towards the improvement in seed quality of reared
Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
Truong Trong Nghia, Tran Cong Binh, Vu Ngoc Ut, Thach
Thanh, and To Cong Tam
Research on the larviculture of tiger shrimp Penaeus
monodon with high stocking densities using recirculating
biofilter system
SESSION VI. Microbiology and health management
Ø Bergh, N. Sandlund, L. Gram, and C. Porsby
Screening tentative probiotics in vivo with cod larvae
P. De Schryver, A. Kumar Sinha, P. Singh Kunwar, K.
Baruah, N. Boon, W. Verstraete, G. De Boeck, and P.
The bacterial storage compound poly- b -hydroxybutyrate
(PHB) increases growth performance and intestinal microbial
diversity in juvenile European sea bass (Dicentrarchus
O. Decamp and D. Moriarty .
Microbial management in Asia-Pacific fish rearing:
data from lab and commercial operations
Tom Defoirdt, Carol M. Miyamoto, Thomas K. Wood, Edward
A. Meighen, Patrick Sorgeloos, Willy Verstraete, and
Peter Bossier
The natural furanone (5z)-4-bromo-5-(bromomethyle-ne)-3-butyl-2(5h)-furanone
disrupts quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi by
decreasing the DNA-binding activity of the master regulator luxR
T. Forberg, O. Vadstein, and A. Arukwe
Strategies to unravel gene expression responses of
host-microbe interactions in cod (Gadus morhua)
R.A.Y.S. Asanka Gunasekara, Christophe Casteleyn ,
Peter Bossier, and Wim Van den Broeck
Stereological study on effects of Aeromonas hydrophila on
digestive tract development of early Artemia nauplii
H.A. Darshanee Ruwandeepika, Patit Paban Bhowmick,
Malathi Shekar, Peter Bossier, and Indrani Karunasagar
Presence of hlyA, flaC, and toxR genes
of vibrios in Vibrio harveyi
H. Jafaryan, V. Mirbagheryi , and M. Esmaeili
The use of probiotic bacillus spores for enhancement
of growth parameters in silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys
molitrix ) larvae via bioencapsulation of Artemia
Indrani Karunasagar, Pendru
Raghunath, Biswajit Maiti, and Vijay Atnur
Rapid detection and enumeration of Vibrio spp.
from shrimp hatchery environments using enzyme-labelled
S.N.M. Mandiki, N. Wang, S. Milla, G. Blanchard, T.
Djonkack, S. Tanascaux, and P. Kestemont
Effects of bacterium probiotics on growth parameters
and immune defence in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis larvae
under intensive culture conditions
Sonal Patel, Aina-Cathrine Øvergård,
Elin Sørhus, Ingrid Uglenes Fiksdal, Øivind
Bergh, and Audun Helge Nerland
Can Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
be vaccinated during live feed phase?
A. Rekecki, R.A.Y.S.A. Gunasekara, K. Dierckens, H.
Favoreel, N. Boon, P. Bossier, and W. Van den Broeck
Localisation of gfp-labelled Listonella (Vibrio)
anguillarum in the GI-tract of germ-free sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) larvae
N. Sandlund, S.F. Ørstavik, I.U. Fiksdal, and Ø.
Is Vibrio splendidus pathogenic to Atlantic
cod larvae?
S.M. Sharifuzzaman, M.S. Hossain, P. Majumder, N.G.
Das, and H. Bhattacharjee
Evaluation of commercial probiotics in prawn larviculture
(Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879)
R.I. Vestrum, T. Forberg, and O. Vadstein
Impact of live versus dead bacteria on survival, growth,
and gene expression in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)