Several speakers have made the powerpoint presentation that
they presented during the conference available through this webpage. They
are downloaded as pdf files. In case you do not have the Adobe software
you can click the button to download a freeware version.

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Session I. Broodstock, Egg &
Larval quality |
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Outline of conference programme and practical details |
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Kjörsvik Elin "Egg quality characteristics in fishes and
mammals - what can we learn from other species ?" |
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Bromage Niall "Optimising broodstock performance" |
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Migaud Hervé "Influence of the photoperiod regime on
broodstock maturation, spawning and larvae quality in the Eurasian perch
Perca fluviatilis" |
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Watanabe Takechi "Broodstock nutrition research" |
Pickova Jana "Increased levels of 22:6n-3 and cholesterol
oxidation and decreased level of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon, Salmo
salar L., eggs exhibiting reproduction disturbances in Baltic sea"
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Rinchard Jacques "Effect of feeding cottonseed meal containing
diets to broodstock rainbow trout and impact on growth of their
progenies" |
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Rurangwa Eugene "CASA:a quantitative and rapid method for the
assessment of sperm quality in fish" |
Le Moullac Gilles "Recent improvements in broodstock
management and larviculture in marine species in Polynesia and new
Caledonia: genetic and health approaches" |
Racotta Ilie "Shrimp larval quality as a function of
broodstock condition" |
Cavalli Ronaldo "The effects of dietary vitamin
supplementation on maternal performance and larval quality of the prawn
Macrobrachium rosenbergii" |
Samain Jean-François "Nutrition and Production of the
pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: Main results of the European project
Giganuga (Gigas Nutrition and Gametogenesis)" |
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Pernet Fabrice "Biochemical indicator of quality of scallop
larvae Placopecten magellanicus" |
Session II. Genetics, Biotechnology,
Developmental biology |
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Ronnestad Ivar "Ontogeny of digestive function of marine fish
larvae" |
Balasubramniam Sivaloganathan "Ontogeny of gene expression of
proteolytic digestive enzymes in developing seabass (Lates calcarifer)
larvae" |
Reddy Konda "Effects of triiodothyronine and cortisol on the
expression of proteolytic digestive enzymes genes in first-feeding sea
bass larvae, Lates calcarifer" |
Zohar Jonathan "Potential of biotechnology in larviculture"
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Session III. Nutrition, Feeding &
Growth |
Yoshimatsu Takao "Ultrahigh density
culture system of the rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis" |
Dhert Philippe "Feasibility study of a
new rotifer recirculation system for industrial application in marine
fish and shellfish hatcheries" |
Naessens Eddy "The increasing
diversity in Artemia cyst resources for commercial use: problems &
opportunities related to their varying characteristics " |
Evjemo Jan Ove "Effect of different
fatty acid content in various copepods and Artemia on the distribution
of fatty acids in halibut larvae (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) during
first feeding" |
De Wolf Tania "Progress at production
scale with various Artemia substitutes" |
Bell Gordon "Optimising lipid
nutrition in early flatfish larvae" |
Koven William "The importance of
arachidonic acid, as a modulator of stress resistance through the
hypothalamus -pituitary - interrenal axis, in different age gilthead
seabream larvae" |
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Koshio Shunsuke "Experimental and
practical use of microdiets for aquatic animals" |
Conceicao Luis "Amino acid metabolism
and amino acid requirements in fish larvae and post-larvae" |
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Dabrowski Konrad "Are the advances
being made in understanding dietary nitrogen utilization for growth in
larval fish?" |
Hamre Kristin "Optimation of dietary
macronutrient composition for Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus
hippoglossus) larvae and juveniles" |
Cahu Chantal "Nutrients affecting
quality in marine fish larval development" |
Pittman Karin "Control of
metamorphosis in flatfish" |
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Langdon Chris "Challenges in rearing
fish larvae and other marine suspension-feeders on microparticulate
diets" |
Yúfera Manuel "Delivering
bioactive compounds to fish larvae using microcapsulated diets" |
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Kolkovski Sagiv "Digestive enzymes in
fish larvae and juveniles - implications and applications to formulated
diets" |
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Workshop: "From research to practice"
moderated by Bengtson Dave |
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Session IV. Larviculture
zootechniques & Economics |
Litvinenko Alexander "Status of white fish (Coregonidae)
propagation in Russia" |
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Marte Clarissa "Marine fish larviculture in Southeast Asia:
research progress and industry status" |
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Hong Wanshu "Bred species and fry production of marine fish in
China" |
Lim Lian Chuan "Recent developments in the application of
modern fish larviculture technology in the ornamental fish industry"
Kestemont Patrick "Growth heterogeneity in cultured predatory
fish larvae: physiological and environmental factors" |
Brown Joe "Developing larviculture protocols for cold-water
marine finfish" |
Boglione Clara "Skeletal descriptors for the quality
assessment on two innovative species of mediterranean aquaculture:
sharpsnout sea bream and pandora" |
Ben-Atia Sachi "The use of Ozone in larviculture systems" |
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Wang Qingyin "High health larvae rearing of marine shrimp
Penaeus chinensis in China" |
Session V. Microbiology and disease control |
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Nerland Audun "Control of Nodavirus infection in farming af
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)" |
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Ringo Einar "Will the intestinal microflora of fish please
stand up: electron microscopy of fish gastrointestinal tract" |
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Dixon Beverly "Isolation of anaerobic intestinal bacteria from
fish and shellfish as potentials for probiotics" |
Salvesen Ingrid "Magic solutions to bacterial problems in the
non-feeding stage of marine larvae: do they exist ?" |
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Suzuki Yuzuru " Some aspects of the larval immunity"
Bachère Evelyne "Anti-infectious immune effectors in
marine invertebrates as potential tools for disease control in
larviculture" |
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Lee Cheng-Sheng "Review on Advanced Bio-technology in finfish
hatcheries" |
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